Quick Bites: They/Them
It’s about time Kevin Bacon returns to his slasher movie roots. When I first heard of They/Them I wasn’t sure until I heard Kevin Bacon was on board and I knew I would watch it. Sigh.
I do like the characters and inclusiveness. The actors did decent jobs.
Conversion Camps in itself are so terrifying.
Kevin Bacon. Enough said.
One of the main negatives for They/Them is the movie feels like it’s not sure what kind of movie it’s going to be: a slasher? A teen drama? A movie of the week/Lifetime movie? Or even a musical? If the director would have just committed to one of the genre’s I think it would have been better.
Pink? Really?
Took too long to get to the killings and when the killings started they were kind of weak and off screen.
Overall, I was disappointed with this movie. There was so much potential yet no tension. Is it the worst slasher out there? No. But there was so much potential that was lost. Will I watch They/Them again? Probably. Go into it with low, low expectations so you are not disappointed.
Quick Bite: 2/5
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