Forever Final Girl
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Bikini Bloodbath: Car Wash
I found Bikini Bloodbath: Car Wash while trying to set up my movie list for Summer of Trash Challenge 2023. Shout out to Rich Trash on Letterboxd for setting this challenge up. The first prompt was to watch a movie with any kind of swimwear in the title. I took one look at the cast and plot and knew I had to watch it.

Quick Bites: The Blackening
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Halloween of course! So with this Halloween season starting I chose The Blackening to start off with. The Blackening is a 2022 horror comedy from Tim Story (known for 2005 Fantastic Four and its sequel, 2019 Shaft, and several music videos). From the first time I watched the trailer I was excited for this movie. A horror comedy and a slasher, what more can you want?