Seed of Chucky
Chucky and Tiffany are resurrected by their gender confused son Glen. Now, all three are in Hollywood, this time wanting to take over the bodies of Redman and Jennifer Tilley.
Photo Credit: Rogue Pictures
Released: Nov 12, 2004
Runtime: 87 mins
Director: Don Mancini
Writer: Don Mancini
Actors: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, John Waters
It looks like the kid fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.--Chucky
There are 14 kills in Seed of Chucky. Several kills off screen and we only get to see the bodies afterwards. I would have to say the best kill (or should say accidental kill) is Pete Peters (John Waters) sulfuric acid to the face. Unfortunately, Glen scares Pete into backing into the shelves, knocking the acid off the shelf onto his face. Maybe Redman’s disembowelment by Tiffany. Only because he was a jackass.
Acting was fine. Jennifer Tilly playing herself and Tiffany was good. More Tiffany please! She’s awesome. Brad Dourif is awesome as usual. Billy Boyd plays the voice of the confused Glen/Glenda. He does a decent job.
The story has Glen starting off in Europe as a ventriloquist dummy. He wants to find his parents and he finally sees an interview about an upcoming movie that is being filmed about Chucky and Tiffany. He finds them and they all have to work out the dynamics of being a dysfunctional doll family. Also, they want to transplant their souls in Redman and Jennifer, while impregnating her so that they can transplant Glen’s soul into the baby.
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[After killing Britney Spears] "Oops, I did it again!"--Chucky
For the positives, there’s more Jennifer Tilly which I enjoyed. There’s a higher kill count but not great kills. I just didn’t really like the plot overall. I found myself bored wanting it to hurry up and end. Though, I did like the opening. Sperm. Yep, a lot of sperm.
I recommend this movie if you like Chucky and Jennifer Tilly. Otherwise, probably pass. This is my least favorite movie (not counting the remake. I have to re-watch that movie before deciding what’s the worst movie.)
Killing is an addiction like any other drug. But we're parents now. We have to set an example.--Tiffany
Now for the “Did you know…” section:
Only movie in the franchise that Chucky does not use is his good guy doll voice.
As of 2016, this is the only Child's Play/Chucky film that contains nudity.
Jason Flemyng has said the only film he'd erase from his filmography is Seed Of Chucky - "I was dressed as Santa, getting killed by a doll, on a set in Romania, thinking: 'Where did it go wrong?'"
The role of "Pete Peters" was written specifically for John Waters as he was a fan of the Child's Play movies.
When the floor manager at the beginning of the film shouts "Hey, Tiffany's left arm is loose again" and then the arm grabs his crotch, this is an in-joke as revealed on the DVD commentary for Bride of Chucky (1998). Jennifer Tilly explains that Chucky's left arm kept grabbing her breasts during shoots.
The wife of the man Tiffany calls to apologize to is the widow of the cop she killed at the beginning of Bride of Chucky.
The only film in the series that doesn't mention Chucky's full name, Charles Lee Ray.
This is the final movie in the series to include Chucky's obsession with wanting to get out of the doll.
As of 2021, this is the only installment of the franchise where the Damballa chant is used to infuse 2 souls at once. It is also the only time a soul is transferred without the person's body present.
Openly gay director Don Mancini stated that Glen's sexually confused character was a metaphor for his own coming out.
Have you seen the other Child’s Play movies? Check out my other reviews here: Child’s Play Franchise.
Let’s get into the rankings:
Kills/Blood/Gore: 4/5
Sex/Nudity: 1.5/5
Scare factor: 1/5
Enjoyment factor:3/5
My Rank: 2.3/5
IMDB: 4.8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: critics: 3.4/10 audience: 3.8/10
Letterboxd: 2.5/5