Forever Final Girl
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Quick Bites: Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack
Where have I been? I think I heard they were planning on making this but I didn’t really hear anything about it. So, while making my 31 Days of Horror Challenge list, I saw this was coming out and I knew I would be watching it. Granted I was a huge Full Moon/Charles Band fan back in the day, but I lost some interest in it. However, lately with their individual Demonic Toys movies, I’m back onboard as a fan. Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack didn’t let me down. I had fun with this movie, and I hope they do more sequels with it.

Puppet Master 5 The Final Chapter
Puppet Master 5 is a continuation story from the 4th movie. We have the survivors from the previous movie in this one. I actually like it better than I remember the first time watching it. Maybe I like it for itself or I know just how bad the future movies in this franchise get. Either way I was entertained and fit into the Puppet Master universe.

Puppet Master 4
Puppet Master 4, a film that is not the worst in the series, it isn’t as good as the first couple. It felt like an incomplete or a sudden ending, but in all fairness 4 and 5 were filmed together, back to back. Let's hope the next part is good or better.

Puppet Master III Toulon’s Revenge
Puppet Master III is a nice prequel to the first two Puppet Master movies. We also go back to the good Andre Toulon. I guess we need to just forget the evil Toulon in Puppet Master II.

Puppet Master II
Puppet Master II is as good, if not better than the original Puppet Master movie. Yes, strong words but I like both of these movies. And come on…it’s got Charlie Spradling in it! Gotta love it!